
"Ain't Gonna Study War No More"

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Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

Right-To-Life Party, Christian, Anti-War, Pro-Life, Bible Fundamentalist, Egalitarian, Libertarian Left

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Presidents, Prime Ministers, and psycho-politics

“Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction.” Dick Cheney August 26, 2002

“Before people crow about the absence of weapons of mass destruction, I suggest they wait a bit.” Tony Blair April 28, 2003

“I’m not surprised if we begin to uncover the weapons program of Saddam Hussein--because he had a weapons program.” George W. Bush May 6, 2003

“Saddam Hussein destroyed his last weapons of mass destruction more than a decade ago and his capacity to build new ones had been dwindling for years by the time of the Iraq invasion.” Charles Duelfer Iraq Survey Group

Don Nash

10/13/04 "ICH" There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. There weren’t any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq dating back to 1991. The preemptive war on Iraq is premeditated murder in the first degree. Premeditated first degree murder is by any legal understanding, cause for presidential impeachment. Murder on an international scale such as the preemptive war on Iraq is cause for a one-way ticket to the International Criminal Court at the Hague.

The politics of George Bush, Tony Blair, John Howard, and the rest of the heads of state involved with the “coalition of the willing”, are insane. The intelligence used by Bush and Blair to go preemptive on Iraq was a weakly fabricated hodge-podge of innuendo and gossip. If that isn’t the weakest of rationales to wage a war on, then the remainder of the nations of our world can commence their wars and there is no need for a rationale, reason, plan, or whatever flimsy excuse may have been mustered up, for initiating war. The member states of the United Nations can pack up their bags and head for their respective homes and get ready for the war that is coming to their respective neighborhoods. All constraints and legal restrictions are off. There is no order remaining in the world. There is now only global chaos and national and international vendetta to be played out. Humanity is of course, doomed.

The respective leaders of our world are no longer to be respected, they are to be feared. The governments of our world are to be feared. Their words and promises of safety and security become a moot point and an irrelevance, as the world’s governments are going to do whatever they desire to do and there is no recourse for accountability. Regular Joe Citizen, Mrs. Joe Citizen, Ms. Joe Citizen, and the children of the collective Joe Citizen’s of the world are to be less than reassured as their respective governments sell them out as ’collateral damage’. This is of course, Armageddon. That last great battle that ensures the end of life as we know it.

Democracy is dead. It is dead in America, the United Kingdom, the remainder of Europe, Asia, South America, and where ever else that subtle flame of freedom may have had want to burn. It is extinguished and we ourselves are to be blamed. The death of democracy is directly attributable to the United States Congress. It was after all, the Congress that gave George Bush a bill of particulars in which to wage war on Iraq. The small matter of proving that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction before Bush could go preemptive, is moot and an irrelevance. Bush waged his preemptive war on Iraq and Congress sat on Capitol Hill and remained silent. The people of America have for the most part, remained complicit and silent as Bush does his very best to finish his preemptive genocide on the Iraqi people before someone, anyone in the United States wakes up and starts to ask the questions.

The news teams of the big three corporate media giants in the U.S. have refused to ask the really hard questions of the American government. Why is America preempting Iraq and oh yes, Bush says it is because Saddam Hussein “wanted” to reacquire weapons of mass destruction. Well, that’s good enough for us. The big corporate media giants have forgotten their Constitutional mandate for freedom of the press and presenting truth to the American people. The big three corporate media giants have capitulated to the craven whisperings of greed. They have divested themselves of any shred of human decency in their insane drive to invest in bigger markets. Humans are only to be considered ’sound bites’ and some great video footage of ’collateral damage’.

The Democratic Party is culpable as is the Republican Party. Both parties were in a serious contest of ’we’re more qualified to provide homeland security, than you’. It is and was a disgraceful display of demagoguery and the people on the receiving end of ’collateral damage’ by the U.S. military, have been consigned to life in hell. Both parties have zero regard for the people of Afghanistan, Iraq, and Palestine. The U.S. Congress has signed off on torture as national policy. The U.S. Congress has signed off on the wholesale slaughter of the Palestinian people by the Sharon government of Israel.

The global mistreatment of innocent people is shocking, it is reprehensible, it is inhumane, and it is grossly insane on any psychiatric level of assessment. Consult the New England Journal of Medicine and see how this esteemed publication, likened the torture policies of the U.S. to those practices used by Nazi Germany. One would consult the Journal for July 29, 2004.

The “preemption policies” of George Bush, are insane and the Bush administration cannot justify their use. The Bush administration can’t even keep straight the reasons that the U.S. went preemptive on Iraq in the first place. The U.S. Congress can’t justify their giving Bush a “resolution for war on Iraq”. The very requirements that Congress placed in the “resolution” haven’t been met. Following in the insane footsteps of Congress’s first “resolution”, have come additional “resolutions” for Iran and Syria. These are not the actions of ‘mentally sound and rationale’ men. The U.S. Congress is acting out of paranoia as is the Executive Branch and that’s just crazy. Paranoia is inextricably linked to the “delusional condition”. Again consult the New England Journal of Medicine or any good medical college text book on mental conditions.

John Kerry is not a sane choice to replace George Bush. Kerry’s candidacy only strengthens the insanity argument as, why would the Democrats want to replace Bush with another ‘stay the course’ candidate. The American people and the people of the world, are presented with two pathetic and murderously weak choices for the office of president and, that is insane. Considering all that is at stake in the upcoming election, the Democrats and the Republicans have failed America and they have failed the world. The truly horrific part is that, these two candidates are killing real people and they are destroying real countries. Bush in his capacity as the U.S. President and Kerry in his capacity as a U.S. Senator. Their combined actions as politicians are what defines the psycho-politics that have captured the world and are holding every person on the planet as hostage. It is just insane.

Copyright: Don Nash. Email Mary_19107


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