
"Ain't Gonna Study War No More"

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Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

Right-To-Life Party, Christian, Anti-War, Pro-Life, Bible Fundamentalist, Egalitarian, Libertarian Left

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

The Supreme Court and Moral Anarchy

“What does the nomination of a replacement for Sandra Day O’Connor, constitutional law, and moral chaos have to do with one another? A good deal more than you think.”

So writes Robert Bork, a former judge on the U.S Court of Appeals, in what is arguably one of the clearest and most timely expositions of the fundamental abuses which plague the institution of the Supreme Court. “Their Will Be Done”, printed in the Wall Street Journal on July 10, calls into question the entire legal, social, and moral philosophy under which the Supreme Court has been operating, pointing out the grave abuses of power by that court, and highlighting the immediate necessity of a return to faithfulness to the Constitution, lest the United States be completely fragmented by the Court’s destructive moral anarchy.

“The struggle over the Supreme Court is not just about law,” prophesies Bork, “it is about the future of our culture.”

According to Bork the very foundation upon which the United States was built, including and especially its “body of common moral assumptions” is being destroyed by the “liberationist spirit of our times.” This ‘liberationist spirit’ is that which believes that “in moral matters, each man is a separate sovereignty,” which, Bork argues calling for support from Alexis de Tocqueville, ultimately destroys the very basis for a society. And it is the Supreme Court, in its present form, as little more than the left’s “political weapon”, which is the most powerful and most outspoken advocate of that destructive spirit.

“When [the Supreme Court] rules in the name of the Constitution, whether it rules truly or not, the court is the most powerful branch of government in domestic policy,” writes Bork. “The combination of absolute power, disdain for the historic Constitution and philosophical incompetence is lethal.”

Not content to simply make sweeping statements, Bork backs up his assertions with a thorough list of the Court’s abuses of power and their poor moral philosophizing, mentioning, amongst other things, the court’s unconstitutional support of child pornography, gay ‘rights’, abortion ‘rights’ and its whittling away at religious freedom in the name of ‘tolerance’.

“Whatever one may think of these outcomes as matters of policy, not one is authorized by the Constitution, and some are directly contrary to it,” says Bork.

At a time when conservatives across the country are crossing their fingers that their president will stay true to his professed desire to restore a culture of life, Bork’s article further highlights just how vital and necessary Bush’s resolve is. “To restore the court’s integrity will require a minimum of three appointments of men and women who have so firm an understanding of the judicial function that they will not drift left once on the bench…That will be difficult, but the stakes are the legitimate scope of self-government and an end to judicially imposed moral disorder.”

In filling at least one, and possibly two Supreme Court vacancies, president Bush will have the opportunity to prove himself to his supporter base as being fully committed to the cause of life. If he should fail to restore the court’s integrity, however, he will be responsible for plunging his nation further into disunity, and pushing it further into the mire of moral relativism.



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